Herbes del Moli

Certification Progress

Herbes del Moli were FairWild certified for Glycyrrhiza glabra 2013 - 2021. They are interested in becoming FairWild certified again if there is market interest.


The local farmers of the Zaragoza region in northern Spain traditionally collected liquorice root to supplement their income. Growing commercial interest in this product has led to the development of liquorice as an important industry for the region in socio-economic terms. From 2013 - 2021, Herbes del Moli, in cooperation with collectors in northern Spain, worked to bring FairWild liquorice to tea lovers around the world. They are interested in becoming FairWild certified again.



Alberto Garcia


potential ingredients

These are the ingredients the company is interested in certifying.

Common Name
Botanical Name
Pharmacopoeial name
Liquorice / Licorice root and rhizome
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Liquiritiae radix (root and stolons)